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CCIA Membership


We help climate-tech companies accelerate adoption of their solutions to grow revenue and create a positive climate impact faster.

If you work in the climate-tech industry and want to accelerate adoption of your service without having to deal with old-school marketing agencies, then you will want to continue reading.  


Is my Brand a strategic asset that adds equity to my business?

Do we consistently generate high-quality SQLs with fast deal closures?

Is my marketing team delivering FRESH ideas, insights and strategies consistently?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, we should talk.

Or tell us if this sounds familiar... 

When I spend money on marketing, I wish we could better prove what is driving sales and what isn’t so we can get a positive ROI!

If you can relate, then we should connect because we can help.

Rakas created a new subscription-based offering, and it’s helped brands like TRC Companies and ABS Wavesight get fresh, effective and flexible branding and marketing services without having to worry about getting “change-ordered” to death.

Our new system gives CMOs 4 unfair advantages:

A focus on outCOMES instead of outPUTS.

Changeable, cancelable, inclusive services.

A predictable marketing investment.

An experienced, senior team.

If this sounds like something you’d want to learn more about, then let’s have a chat. Getting in touch with us is easy. 

Email Jeff Risley, our managing partner, at

Membership Type

CCIA Membership


Jeff Risley

Natalia Alanis

Nick Buscemi

Allbriton Robbins

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